Monday, March 10

POV Project

Point of View - NYFA handout

Create a scene of no more than two minutes using two actors in a single location. Write two different versions of this scene, one from each actor's point of view. Point of view, or narrative stance, is a scene often told from the perspective or point of view of a primary character, interpreted by the audience accordingly to camera, directing and editing techniques.

Thursday, March 6

Premises of AA noms

Wolf of WS:  drugs that get you high will get you low (crawl) - what goes up will come down
Amer Hust:  a bad guy can be a good guy (1st good with adoption; 2nd - "fat" and unkempt, but attractive 3rd good with Mayor)
her:  the division in two makes us want to be one.  two is one.  diversity is oneness.
Dallas BC:  protection is danger.  regulation is irregular.  good is bad.   bad is good.
Nebraska:  parents' pressure pops out the babe; the babe then gets pressure to be released at parents death
Gravity:  from Dim:  there is hope in hopelessness.
12 Years a Slave: