Saturday, April 12

Gender bending assignment

for the culture of men and the culture of women, bring in three (3) examples:  be specific, not general.  Have at least ONE of the THREE with a clip of where we see the "bend."   Here is a list - but also consider movies where they put a woman in man's work (e.g., "Million Dollar Baby") or a man in woman's work (e.g., "Mr. Mom").  Does the film really switch one sex into the opposite gender - or not?  In "Million Dollar Baby" we see a woman who happens to be a fighter - but she is completely dependent upon a man.  Good movie, but not a gender bender.

Here is the other post about this assignment.

Tuesday, April 8

Male culture Female culture

1.  little girls and little boys:  the Tannen experiment
2.  Boys will be Girls and Girls will be Boys  
          facing one another
           talking ABOUT one another or other things
              uniting (sameness) vs. scoring (differences) <-- BOTH create loyalty
                Joke: women in car on the way to Las Vegas and men in car on the way to Las Vegas
3. Jung Animus and Anima:  In class:  start today at 13 min in - to 18:45  5 min 45 sec.
           the sexualized, traditional depiction of m-w goes deep into collective consciousness
4. "Million Dollar Baby"  Is it a breakdown of M-F stereotypes or a depiction of M-F stereotypes? She wants love.  He can provide love.  Even though she chose a masculine profession (fighting) she was COMPLETELY dependent upon him both for training and for career the point that she was 100% incapacitated, asking him for one final act to "protect" her and her memory of the crowds roaring with love.  TOTAL FEMININE WOMAN DEPICTION.  TOTAL MAN SAVIOR DEPICTION.
5. Walt in the police station
6.  Media:  commercials DO GIVE women power, but it is the power to buy their products.

Watch this excellent analysis to assist in the depiction next week: moments of gender bending in film.  Operationalization here is 1.  did women talk to each other and 2. if so, did they talk of something other than about men.

FROM a male culture and a female culture TO a culture without sex-gender roles???
Show liberation from categories or show attempted but failed gender bending, e.g., Maggie in "Million Dollar Baby."
Next week written assignment:  Find 3 depictions in film:  moments, not generalities.
  typed, double spaced, proofread
The write up should contain:
  1. set up (given circumstances, context)
  2. moment
  3. what it expresses about man - woman.  Does it imprison each in a category or liberate one or the other from a category.  Does it express deep and unalterable traits.  Does it "assault" the cultural dictate of the M-F distinction?
Have at least 1 of the three that you can "que up" and SHOW - the others can just be written about.

Monday, April 7

Culture of Men, Culture of Women: Traditional

YOU HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT - these are just some musings and some links that might help:

men and women's brains' wiring

assorted movies?  "Patton" (macho)  "Adam's Rib" (the battle of the sexes)  "Kramer vs. Kramer" (equalizing)  "Annie Hall" (the man who knew too much)  "American Beauty" (out of balance) "Million Dollar Baby" (give love, get love) "Breaking Bad" (man provides for family).


Polansky on the attempt to make the sexes the same 
Geena Davis on Sexism in Hollywood
Glenn Close on her role in "Fatal Attraction"

Tuesday, April 1

April 8 - Media and Culture of Sex Roles

Each student brings in 3 items as examples of the Media's depiction of Traditional Sex Roles.   April 15 we approach Modern & Post-Modern Sex Roles - so for April 8 stick with traditional sex roles.

What is an "item"?  Your "items" may vary, but there must be three.  You will each submit one typed sheet (double spaced) with your name and the three items you bring as "offerings" to the discussion.

Locate each of the 3 "items" in time and space, e.g., China, 1990; USA, 1955; Afghanistan, 2010; New York, 1969 - and so forth.

Classify each of the 3 "items":  role expectations, education, work, sexual norms, descriptors, movie roles, movie awards, TV watching patterns, commercial bias (e.g., ads for women vs. ads for men), language ("bad" words, "good" words), stereotypical emotions - and so forth.

An "item" or an offering might be:

  1. a link to some description or depiction - which you can bring up on the internet for all to see
  2. a clip - which you can bring on a DVD or a thumb drive or with a link
  3. a "prop" - e.g., a corset, high heels, a Playboy Magazine, a hammer, a spoon
  4. a "fact" or "finding" which you document and are prepared to present, e.g., a graph of how men vs. women vote, how men vs. women are employed, something about language we use to describe, something about any pattern or "norm" for either or both sexes, e.g., women are emotional and men are rational; women multi-task and men focus.

China links

Chinese Film Director oibit

Ai Weiwei Ted Talk

Cultural Web of Life - sum total of all myths.  Ethnosphere at edge of extinction - Nat'l Geog man

Chinese Economy:  take notes while watching press censorship - and freedom

On your own  North Korea

A quote for Media and Culture

I ate civilization. It poisoned me; I was defiled~ Aldous Huxley, Brave New World